Nominate a Good Practice
in Academic Development
Nominations are now closed
Good Practice Awards
The 2021 Global Academic Development Good Practice Awards seek to identify leaders and innovators in academic development by recognising good practice for enhancing practice across the dimensions of teaching, learning, and scholarship. The awards are supported by the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT).
2021 Global Academic Development Good Practice Award finalists will be invited to present and be recognised at the Advancing Academic Development Event on 3rd November. Finalists and award winners will be featured on the Advancing Academic Development website (AAD) Good Practices page and CAULLT website.
Nominating for an Award
Academic development good practices should be submitted as structured abstracts of no more than 300 words (plus references ). Submissions over the word limit will be returned for editing.
Criteria for Awards
Principles of good learning and teaching: Clear principles of good learning and teaching are addressed by your good practice, including a well-reasoned driver/rationale/‘why’ of the academic development at the heart of the nomination. These principles are clearly and succinctly explained and underpinned by cited scholarship (reference to the literature/ precedents in practice).
Impact: The scale and reach of your good practice are outlined and evidence of its value, impact, and influence on the learning and teaching practice of others is provided. (Scale and reach will be relative to opportunity and the purpose of the initiative.)
Innovative and/or distinctive: The practice is innovative and/or distinctive in its approach to addressing a contextual need (organisational strategic priorities, academic cohort, and/or disciplinary academic practices).
Enter your good practice abstract
(Maximum 300 words excluding references)
To do well, your abstract should include:
A concise overview of your good practice. (what it is / who is it for / who enacts it / why it is important)
and a response to each criterion:
Principles and scholarship (criterion 1)
(eg: what pedagogical principles underpin the practice / what scholarship supports the practice)
Impact (criterion 2)
(eg: its reach / value to stakeholders / how it enhances teaching and student learning / its potential application to other contexts)
Innovation and Distinctiveness (criterion 3)
(eg: what is innovative about your good practice / how it differs from other, established practice/s)​
We suggest you copy and paste your nomination from a word document.