Recognising, inspiring, and shaping academic development practice
The 2021 Advancing Academic Development Event and Global Good Practice Awards
was held on 3rd November: Online
2021 Program
Previous Good Practice Videos
Congratulations to the 2021 Winners
Congratulations to the finalists and winners of the 2021 Global Academic Development Good Practice Awards, presented at the recent Advancing Academic Development (AAD) event, held online 3 November, 2021.
Wiradjuri Online Cultural Immersion experience, Charles Sturt University
Peers’ Choice Award
Indigenous Perspectives in Learning and Teaching, QUT
Finalist with Distinction
The Active Learning Network, University of Sussex
Ninety-one participants from across the world joined the event to share good practice, celebrate academic development, and hear from two distinguished Keynote Speakers
Professor David Sadler, DVC Education, University of Western Australia, speaking on Learning and teaching awards, and
Professor Elizabeth Johnson, DVC Education, Deakin University, addressing The value and role of Academic Development
Academic Development focuses on good practice and enhancing practice for all the dimensions of teaching, learning and scholarship. Academic development aims to develop teaching, curriculum, and leadership of teaching to in turn support high-quality student learning. Higher education staff who support academic development may be referred to as academic, educational, or professional developers. [MÃ¥rtensson, K., 2014]
The Advancing Academic Development project aims to establish how we might effectively support Academic Developers (ADs) to build capabilities, establish national networks, and share good practices. Alongside research into the needs and views of ADs, and what senior university leaders may support, in 2018 a national professional development event was convened to test and evaluate a new facilitated model. Proving to be highly successful, a second event was held in 2019.
The 2019 Advancing Academic Development Event featured keynote speakers Jade Kennedy, University of Wollongong, speaking on Jindaola: An Aboriginal approach for academic and curriculum development and
Dr Allan Goody, President International Consortium for Educational Development speaking on: An international perspective: roles, issues and challenges of Academic Development.
Professional development workshops on defining a mission for Academic Development and evidencing impact, were complemented by and presentations on innovative academic development practice across Australasian institutions and the presentation of the 2019 Australasian Academic Development Good Practice Awards.
The 2021 Advancing Academic Development project and event was supported by

Previous years' sponsors include: